Tuesday 25 April 2017

María Wonenburger prize

We are pleased to have an exhibition about María Wonenburguer Prize in our school.

What have you learnt about it?


  1. María Wonemburguer Prize:

    María was born in 1927 in Oleiros and she died in 2014 with 87 years old.
    In 2007, the women and science unit, from Xunta De Galicia created the prize Marìa Wonburguer Planells to distinguish Galician women with a good trayectory in the science field.
    An example oficial a woman who won this award is Carmen Navarro Fernández Balbuena, a world reference in the area of Neuropathology.
    She was head of the service oficial Anatomy,Pathology and Neuropathology. Her research on neuromuscular diseases made possible the discovery of a foundational mutation in the gypsy ethnicity.
    Other examples of women who won this award are Peregrina Quintela Estevez e Carmen García Mateo.


    The visit to the panels about Maria's prizes I like very much because I learned a unknown about women´s who had a great importance in Galicia. The purpose of this prize was to recognize the women who could go forward to his time and to open ways others. Now I am going to tell her names and to say some characteristic for the one that was winning:
    - Inmaculada Paz Andrade, the first woman professor of physics in Santigo.
    - Maria Teresa Miras, investigated in the papers of neucleotidos.
    - Maria S. Soergas, is an expert in melanona.
    - Carmen Navarro Fernández, expert in neuropatogía.
    - Isabel Aguirre, studied architecture.
    - Maria Jose Alonso graduated in drugstore in Vigo.

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  4. María Wonenburger prize:

    The Galician government wants to recognize to scientific women of Galicia, they all received the María Josefa Wonenburger Planells prize. The prize grants the Xunta de Galicia since 2007. Since creation of the prize they were deserving of this recognition women who dedicate their professional lives to some field of the science or technology.

    The winners of the María Wonenburger award are (from the first women to the last):

    Inmaculada Paz Andrade, María Teresa Miras Portugal, María S. Soengas, Carmen Navarro Fernández, Ofelia Rey Castelao, María Tarsy Carballas Fernández, María Jose Alonso, Carmen García Mateo and Isabel Aguirre.

  5. For a woman to do the math career in her day was not an easy challenge that is why the Galician government wants to recognize the scientific women of Galicia, women who knew ahead of time and who opened paths to many others.

    One of the women who received the Maria Wonenburger Award were:

    -Carmen Navarro Fernández, who is a world reference in neuropathology.(2010)

    -María S.Soengas González who is a world reference in dermathology.(2009)

    -Peregrina Quintela Estérez who is a reference in mathematics.(2016)

    -Ofelia Rey Castela who is a reference in modern modern history.(2011)

    -Carmen García Mateo who is a reference in tecnology.(2014)

    -María José Alonso Fernández who studied pharmaceutical technology.(2013)

    -María Tarsy Carballas Fernández who studied edaphology.(2012)

    -Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola who studied architectural technique.(2015)

    And this is my comment about the prize of María Wonenburger.

  6. María Wonenburger prize
    The Galician Government want to recognize the scientific women of Galicia. For this reason, the Government of Galicia, awarded annually since 2007 award María Wonenburger.
    Award named after her, for being a pioneer and international female leader in the sciences.
    Women who have won the prize are:
    Inmaculada Paz Andrade 2007
    María Teresa Micas Portugal 2008
    María Soledad Soengas González 2009
    Carmen Navarro Fernández-Balbuena 2010
    Ofelia Rey Castelao 2011
    María Torsy Carballos Fernández 2012
    María José Alonso Fernández 2013
    Carmen García Mateo 2014
    Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola 2015
    Peregrina Quintela Estévez 2016
    I'm Laura :)

  7. -Inmaculada Paz Andrade: Microcalorimetría, Termexénese e Ánalise Térmica.
    -María Teresa Miras Portugal: Investigadora no papel dos Nucleóticos.
    -María S. Soengas: Expert internship from internationals to Melanoma.
    -Carmen Navarro Fernandez-Balbuena: Investigou Neuropatoloxia.
    -Premio: Recoñece as mulleres científicas that are available from cameras to moitas.
    -Peregrina Quintela Estevez: The transfer of the matemático á sociedade
    -Isabel Aguine de Urcola: foi titulada no departamento de composición.
    -Ofelia Rey Castelao: Doutorouse en xeografía e historyia
    -María Tarsy Carballos Fernandez: Doutorouse en Frmacia
    -María Jose Alonso: Lincenciouse en Farmacia.
    -Carmen García Mateo: Enxeñeira de telecomunicación.

    1. Pablo, this is now a composition but a list of women... and in Galician!!

  8. The Maria Wonenburger awards are the prizes dedicated to the scientific women of Galicia, who knew how to adapt to their time and opened paths for other women. These prizes give their name to the Galician mathematics Maria Josefa Wonenburger. The winners of these awards were:
    -Carmen Navarro Fernandéz-Balbuena which is a world reference in the world of Neuropathology.
    -Maria S. Soengas, is one of the greatest international experts in melanoma research.
    -María Teresa Miras Portugal, specializing in the research of degenerative diseases.
    -Inmaculada Paz Andrade expert in microcalorimetry.
    -Perez Quintela Estévez, mathematics
    -Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola, architect
    -Carmen García Mateo, telecommunications engineer
    -María José Alonso, focused on pharmaceutical technology
    -María Tarsy Fernández, PhD in Pharmacy and Licentiate in Chemistry
    -Ofelia Rey Castelao, expert in the modern history of Galicia

  9. The prize Maria Josefa Wonenburguer pannels was created in the year 2007 the prize has his name , because Maria wonenburger was a important math and investigator internacional Galician.

    The prize is given to the people deserving one of this recognition of women who dedicated their lives to a specific field of Science or technology.

    For woman do the math carrer was not easy. To investigate is this field requires a special vocation.She was also the first Spanish woman in obtaining a "bolsa Fullbright"

    These are some women who got the prize:
    Inmaculada Paz Andrade(2007): scientific
    Maria Teresa Miras Portugal(2008):Biology and Biochemist
    Maria Soledad Soengas Gonzalez(2009):Biology and Biochemist
    Carmen Navarro Fernandez Balbuena(2010):Neuropathology
    Ofelia Rey Castelao(2011):History Modern Of Galicia
    Peregrina Quintela Estevez(2016):Knowledge Of Society

    1. Good work Ariadna! Have a look at your pronouns!

    This prize has the name of the Galician mathematician María Josefa Wonenburguer that she was advance por her time.
    Sinze the origin of the Prinze women that they dedicated for Science or Tecnology for their professionals life were worthy of this prize. With this we can affirmate better that women and science is a winner combination.
    The Galician Gobernament think that is prioritary incremate women in the ambit os science and tecnology.
    The iguality of oportunities must be the point of start of all the persons, of the men and the women.
    These are some women that was honoured with this prize:
    ~2006~-Peregrina Quintela Estévez (Vigo, 1960).
    ~2008~-Inmaculada Paz Andrade (Pontevedra, 1928).
    ~2009~-María S. Soengas (Agolada, 1968).
    ~2010~-Carmen Navarro Fernández-Balbuena (Madrid, 1942).

    1. Good work Álvaro! Have a look at your "repeated subjects"!

  11. The Galician government wants to recognize the scientific women of Galicia, women who knew ahead of time and who opened paths for many other women scientists.
    El premio se otorga a las mujeres que merecen el reconocimiento de las que dedicaron sus vidas a un campo específico de la Ciencia o la tecnología.
    Las mujeres que recibieron el premio Maria Wonerburger son las siguientes:
    Inmaculada Paz Andrade 2007
    María Teresa Micas Portugal 2008
    María Soledad Soengas González 2009
    Carmen Navarro Fernández-Balbuena 2010
    Ofelia Rey Castelao 2011
    María Torsy Carballos Fernández 2012
    María José Alonso Fernández 2013
    Carmen García Mateo 2014
    Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola 2015
    Peregrina Quintela Estévez 2016

    I´m Mauro

    1. Thank you Mauro but.. have you read your entry?

    2. sorry Iforgot to translate the other part and now i don´t now what can i do to translate it so i put now in here right: The award is given to women who deserve the recognition of those who dedicated their lives to a specific field of science or technology.
      The women who received the Maria Wonerburger award are the following:


    The government galician,wants to recognize galician scientific women of Galicia, women who knew ahead of her time and that have opened in many other ways

    These awards are granted annually since 2007, the Government of Galicia through Unit Women and Science

    2007:Inmaculada Paz Andrade
    2008:María Teresa Miras Portugal
    2009:María Soledad Soengas González
    2010:Carmen Navarro Fernández-Balbuena
    2011:Ofelia Rey Castelao
    2012:María Tarsy Carballas Fernández
    2013:María José Alonso Fernández
    2014:Carmen García Mateo
    2015:Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola
    2016:Peregrina Quintela Estévez
    I think the most important is José María Alonso (Leon, 1958) because after graduation and doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Santiago de Compostela, José María Alonso passed by different international reference centers to deepen their training as investigadora.Cando returned, has created a research pioneer in Spain in the field of nanomedicine and delivery systems pharmaco vaccines.

    1. Keep on working Kevin!! Just a question, do you read your compositions when you have finished?

  13. The Prize Maria Wonenburger Planells is granted to the women who have contributed and dedicated his professional life to the science and to the technology.
    Are here the winners and why they received it

    Inamculada Paz (2007)- Investigated to stop the forestal fires

    María Teresa (2008)-Investigation of the neurodegenerative diseases

    María Soledad (2009) - Investigation of melanoma

    Carmen Navarro (2010) - Neuropatology

    Ofelia Rey (2011) - Expert in modern history of Galicia

    María Tarsy(2012) - Soil survey after the fires

    María José (2013) -stood the nanomedicine

    Carmen García (2014)- telecomunication

    Isabel Aguirre (2015) - architecture

    Peregrina Quintela (2016) - Transfer of the mathematical study
    I think that this is very important for the women. They give us the opportunity to win something, demostrating that the women can be good in this areas: science and the technology

    By Noa

  14. María was born in Oleiros in 1927 and died in 2014. María had an excepcional mind, she created a thesis that allowed him to go to the University.
    In 2007 the Xunta of Galicia created a prize in his honor and for all the galician´s sciencetific women that have had difficulties in her studies.
    The winners of this prize are:
    -Inmaculada Paz Andrade (2007)
    -María Teresa Miras Portugal (2008)
    -María Soengas González (2009)
    -Carmen Navarro Fernández (2010)
    -Ofelia Rey Castelao (2011)
    -María Tarsy Carballas (2012)
    -María José Alonso (2013)
    -Carmen García Mateo (2014)
    -Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola (2015)
    -Peregrina Quintela Estévez (2016)
    I learn that this women could overcame her obstacles.


    The Galician Govement wanted to recognice the scientific womans of Galicia.
    So in 2007 the Xunta de Galicia started shearing Maria´s Wonenburger´s Planells Prize

    The winners of the Prize were :

    Carmen Navarro Fernández (2010)
    Peregrina Quintela Estérez (2016)
    Isabel Aguirre de Úrcola (2015)
    Ofelia Rey Castelao (2011)
    María Tarsy Carballos Fernandez (2012)
    María José Alonso Fernández (2013)
    Inmaculada Paz Andrade (2007)

    1. Eunice, this is not a composition. You need to organize your information and write a coherent text.

  16. Since 2007, Xunta de Galicia want to recognize mathematical women because of their contributions, so Xunta began to distribute María Wonenburger prizes to all those who deserve it.
    This prize has the name of a galician algebrist, María Josefa Wonenburger Planells, born in July 17th 1927.
    In my opinion, the most important women who won this award are:
    - Carmen García Mateo: because she participed in a sinal group theory. She studied telecommunication engineering.
    - María S. Soengas: one of the best experts in melanoma investigation. She realized many discoveries that let her understand how the cell detect and react before stimuli.
    - Carmen Navarro Fernández: she worked in neuropathology area and researched for neuromuscular diseases. She also discovered a mutation in gypsy race.

    1. Very good work Sofía!! Anyway, have a look at your verbs...

  17. The Maria Wonenburguer Prize are a prize annuals.

    Some people gave this prize are:

    -Peregrina Quintela Estévez. She borned in Vigo in 1960.

    -Carmen García Mateo. She borned in Vigo in 1963.

    -María José Alonso. She borned in Leon in 1958. She graduated in pharmacy in the university of Santiago de Compostela.

    -Ofelia Rey Castelao. She borned in A Estrada in 1956. She is a expert in the Modern History of Galicia. She publicated a lot of books.

    -María Tarsy Carballas Fernández. She borned in Taboada in 1934. She is doctor of pharmacy and she is graduate in chemistry. She worked in the elaboration of tools for the fight against the forest fires.

    1. Óscar, remember that you are writing a text so it has to be coherent and have a good structure.You should also review forms such as "she borned" and "prize annuals".

  18. The prize Maria Wonenburger Planells gives to Galician women, who were important for the history of the science or technology. The prize takes his name in honor to everything what she did. Maria studies the race of mathematics in the Spanish postwar.
    The winners of this prize are:
    2007: Inmaculada Paz Andrade, the physics who introduced the microalorimetry. 2008: Maria Teresa Miras Portugal. She studied pharmacy, biochemistry and biology. 2009: The biology and chemistry, Maria Soledad Soengas Gonzalez. 2010: Carmen Navarro Fernandez Balbuena , a neurology . 2011: Ofelia Rey Castelao. She is an expert in the modern history of Galicia. 2012: Maria Tarsy Carballos Fernandez. She is a doctor of pharmacy and licentiate in chemistry. 2013: Maria Jose Alonso Fernandez, who studied pharmacy, 2014: Carmen Garcia Mateo. She is an engineer. 2015: Isabel Aguirre de Urcola, an architect 2016: Peregrina Quintela Estevez, who transfers mathematics knowledge.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. María Josefa Wonenburguer Prize take this name because María Josefa advanced her time. The prize recognize mathematical women because of their hard work and their sacrifice. It is annually prize and started in 2007.
    This prize is important to the womans and all of the people because it make une society more equality. The equality is the more important point to all of the people.
    Some winners of the prize are the next:
    -Maria Teresa Miras Portugal ( O Carbaliño, 1948)
    -Carmen Navarro Fernandez (Madri, 1942)
    -Mria S. Soengas (Agolada, 1968)
    -Inmaculada Paz Andrade (Pontevedra, 1928)
    -Peregrina Quintela Estevez (Vigo,1960)

    By Javier Aragón

    1. Javi, be careful with the third person singular -s and the irregular plurals. Have you used a translator?
      Keep on working! You've done a good work!


    Maria Wonenburguer awards are destinated to galician womans who stand out at tecnology and science. This awards exist since 2007 and takes his name from the scientist galician woman, María Wonenburguer who is a very important woman in the world of science and mathematics.

    The awarded womans until today are:

    -Inmaculada Paz Andrade (2007)

    -María Teresa Miras Portugal (2008)

    -María S. Soengas González (2009)

    -Carmen Navarro Fernandez-Balbuena (2010)

    -Ofelia Rey Castelao (2011)

    -María Tarsy Carballas Fernandez (2012)

    -María José Alonso (2013)

    -Carmen García Mateo (2014)

    -Isabel Aguir de Urcola (2015)

    -Peregrina Grintela Estevez (2016)

    1. Mario, mind irregular plurals and third person singular -s. You are improving your English! Keep on working!!

  22. María Wonemburguer Prize
    In this work I am going to speak to you on the prize maría wonemburguer. The Galician government wants to recognize the scientific Galician women, women who went forward to his time and opened ways many outras. The prize takes the name there takes the name of the investigative and mathematical Maria Wonemburguer a pioneering certification and feminine modal in the area of the science. The prize is celebrated every year from 2007. From his creation they have been deserving of the prize many some women of them are: Immaculate Peace Andrade. It is an international modal as specialist in Microalorimetría. Maria tarsy Carballas Fernandez. She was a doctor specialized in drugstore and licentiate in Chemistry.

  23. The prize Maria Josefa Wonenburguer Planells it created the woman's unit and science of the Autonomous government of Xunta  of Galicia in the year 2007. There is called this way because it is a pioneering certification and feminine international modal in the area of the sciences and that it was the scientific one advanced to his time. The prize is done once alo year.
     Carmen Navarro: it is a world modal of the area of neuropatologia. It was employed at the Meixoeiro of Vigo where she was the boss of pathological anatomy and neuropatologia.
    Peregrina Quintela: she dedicated an important effort to the transfer of the mathematical knowledge to the company.

  24. In the 2007 the United of Women and Science of the Xunta made the Maria Wonenburger Planells' Prize for difference that Galicians' women with ntorious paths in the science's field. The prize had got the name of Maria Wonenburger because she was a female example in the science's ambit. This prize is won for those women who dedicate their profesional lives to a specific field of science or technology. Like Carmen Navarro Fernández-Balbuena, neuropathic, or Carmen García Mateo, telecommunication engineer, she had an especial and interesting work, she is audio encoder. The integration of women in the laboral world was, is and will be very important.

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